About Our Classes
About Our Classes
Course Features
Class Time
Days / Day of the week
・5 days per week(Monday-Friday)
TIME [45 min.×4 sections]
・Morning classes 9:00– 12:30
・Afternoon classes 13:00– 16:30
Levels and Targets
Elementary Level
Textbook: Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I,Ⅱ
Students learn to use basic grammar structures and to make requests, as well as convey their intentions and opinions. Upon completion, students will be able to read and write simple paragraphs.
Pre-Intermediate Level
Textbook: Chukyu e Ikou
Students practice using basic grammar and establish the reading and communication skills required for the Intermediate Level. Students start aiming for a passing grade of the JLPT N3 test.
Intermediate Level
Textbook: Chukyu wo Manabou
Students continue to build on their understanding of grammar and further develop the communication skills needed for day-to-day life in Japan, including subjects that relate to their own lives, such as their interests. Students start aiming for a passing grade of the JLPT N2 test.
Advanced Level
Textbook: Chukyu kara Jokyu eno Nihongo
Students establish fully developed reading and listening skills allowing them to read newspapers, magazines, and understand TV programs such as documentaries. Students learn to debate their opinions both orally and in writing, using vocabulary learned in class. Students start aiming for preparing for advanced study and a passing grade of the JLPT N1 test.
Track Record of Getting Our Students Into
東京大学大学院、京都大学大学院、東京外国語大学大学院、名古屋大学大学院、埼玉大学大学院、お茶の水女子大学大学院、北海道大学大学院、広島大学大学院、神戸大学大学院、信州大学大学院、室蘭工業大学、首都大学東京、弘前大学、電気通信大学 etc
早稲田大学大学院、目白大学大学院、作新学院大学大学院、武蔵野大学大学院、東京学芸大学大学院、明治学院大学、日本大学、拓殖大学、東海大学、東洋大学、明海大学、城西大学、秀明大学、聖学院大学、尚美学園大学、関西大学、関西学院大学、同志社大学、立命館大学 etc
中央情報専門学校、駿台法律経済ビジネス専門学校、中央工学校、浦和専門学校、東京福祉保育専門学校、大森家政専門学校、東京工科自動車大学校、東京国際ビジネスカレッジ、東京ビジュアルアーツ、早稲田文理専門学校 etc